Our Method

Passionate “Peak Performance” Coach Committed to Serving Students’ Emotional & Mental Well-being.


Elaine Stephanos,
Founder, It’sMoJoTime!

Master Your Mindset. Master Your Life.

It’s MoJo Time…!

My Mentors & Teachers

I’ve been trained and certified by the world-renowned Tony Robbins as a Life Coach.

The BEST You Shines Through

My mission is to educate and empower you to conquer life challenges and bounce back bigger so your BEST self is unleashed, and you reach your full potential in life.

I’ve been trained and certified by Cloe Madanes, ranked among the Top 20 Family Therapist in the World.

No More Negativity

In my programs, you learn strategies to silence the negative thoughts that are creating your unhealthy behaviors and unwanted results.

I Co-Authored a book with Jack Canfield, Deepak Chopra, Brian Tracy, and other Thought-Leaders in the field of Positive Psychology; the book is called: “America’s STAR Entrepreneurs.”

Overcome Stress & Overwhelm

Life can be overwhelming and stressful. I give you the guidance you need to maximize your TIME, balance your (over-busy) schedule, nurture your personal relationships, and to focus on the self-care you deserve.

I’ve been trained by Mike Dooley, Law of Attraction Expert/”The Secret” Co-Author & Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s World-Renowned Meditation & Mindfulness Teachers.

You ARE Good Enough

Oftentimes we give up on what we want in life due to fear, not feeling ``good enough`` and lack of focus/vision. I help you realize your goals and provide you with a roadmap to not only reach those goals, but accomplish much more.

I’ve studied under Yale Professor, Marc Brackett, Ph.D. (Founding Director, Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence).

It's Okay to Express Feelings

Many times we hide behind our true feelings and emotions due to fear of judgment and not fitting in. I create a safe non-judgmental space for you to express your feelings and emotions and I teach you how to confidently share those feelings with others.

I’m a Graduate of the Navy SEAL Team instructed “Enlightened Warrior Training Camp” during which I learned and operationally implemented POWERFUL mindset strategies that the Navy SEALs taught me.

FEAR can paralyze us and shut us down.

During this Navy SEAL Team instructed Training Camp, I overcame my own anxiety and fears during very INTENSE mind/body/spirit challenges under which I was tested.

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My Professional Experience & Expertise

I'm a Mental Health “Peak Performance” Coach certified in Cognitive Behavior Therapy who facilitates rapid transformation in students who struggle with personal life challenges. I guide my clients from “Weak Mojo” to “Peak Mojo” so they can create a fulfilling life by design.

My private 1:1 coaching clients have a (remarkable) 98% success rate, which is extraordinary in the mental health industry. Together we accomplish what “general” therapists/psychiatrists/psychologists typically don’t achieve with their clients (after even decades of therapy).

Drawing upon 20+ years of education in Positive Psychology and Clinical Case Work, I deliver a PROVEN 5-Step Formula for my clients to master their mindset and ultimately master their life, with the foundational message that: It's ALL AN INSIDE GAME...!

It’s my passion and life’s purpose to teach students the skills that can help them thrive, rather than just survive. My goal is to teach those who I coach how to use the power of their thoughts and emotions to create a healthier and happier life for themselves, and a kinder, more equitable, and innovative society.

My belief is: when we learn to identify, express, and harness our thoughts and emotions (even the most challenging ones), we become empowered to ``clear out the clutter” of negative thoughts so that our BEST SELF is unleashed, and from that powerful place, we can achieve anything with unbridled passion and purpose!

My Commitment To Students

My commitment to students' mental health and wellness began in college, at James Madison University, when I was going through my own challenges with stress, overwhelm, perfection, and personal transformation, needing the courage to step into the next stage of my life as a young adult living independent from my parents for the first time.

At that time, I relentlessly began studying positive psychology and created my own “boot camp” coaching myself while also helping my fellow classmates, with the goal that together we could overcome the anxiety and uncertainty we were collectively experiencing. We were losing our MoJo and wanted it back!



So my MoJo “boot camp” rapidly began spreading to my sorority and fraternity. As brief background, I'm a Sigma Sigma Sigma (Tri-Sig) Sister, and a Sigma Phi Epsilon (SPE/SigEp) Little Sister/Golden Heart, who pledged both organizations at James Madison University in 1983, graduating in 1987. I also served as a Panhellenic Rush Counselor (Rho Chi) at JMU for 2 years, counseling ``Rushes`` who were struggling with overwhelming anxiety and stress during the Rush selection process, and thereafter as ``Pledges.``

Beginning as early as my first year as a Sister in both SSS & SPE, I found myself not only emotionally supporting myself, but also my fellow Sisters & Brothers, which planted the seeds of my passion to coach students (of all ages) today.

 Click The “Services” Tab To Learn How You Can Work With Me.