The POWER of Positivity:

Overcome overwhelm, stress, anxiety, depression and fears!

If you’re feeling lonely, stressed, overwhelmed or depressed and feel you don’t have a safe, non-judgmental outlet in which to open up and get support, please know…


There is a solution (that doesn’t take years of therapy), listen to these client’s breakthrough videos below:

Success Stories

Annihilate Anxiety

Alessandra overcame her anxiety, low self-confidence, and PTSD (after the Parkland HS shooting only 15 minutes from her home). Listen to how ``UNSTOPPABLE Alessandra`` transformed her life:

Punt Panic Attacks

Alec struggled with Anxiety and Panic Attacks at a level 8-10! After my MoJo Coaching, Alec's anxiety was reduced to a level 0-1, in only 3 months…! Listen to how ``Awesome & Amazing Alec`` did it:

Face Fears & Cultivate Confidence

Rachael had the fear of failure and struggled with perfection, OCD, an eating disorder, and had social anxiety. Through my coaching she conquered all those challenges and now confidently passes exams, goes with the progress instead of the perfection mindset, adopted healthy eating habits, and ``Resilient Rachael`` was recently elected Secretary of her class.

Overcome Overwhelm

Christian (Volleyball Team Captain) conquered his overwhelm and stress, and helped boost his teammates positive mindset which ultimately helped lead to the Team's success. Listen to how ``Carefree Christian`` shifted his mindset here:

Ditch Depression

Theresa overcame 20 yrs of anxiety and depression using our MoJo Methods. She's now ``paying it forward`` as a confident Public Speaker teaching those same strategies to her classmates in various college clubs around campus. Listen to how ``T-Rex Theresa`` did it here:

No More Negativity

Billy was “stuck” feeling anxious, depressed, and consumed with negative thoughts. After retraining his brain during our coaching program, he says: “life is just a big joy now”. Listen to how ``Billy the BOSS of his thoughts`` did it:

Our Worldwide Mental Health Crisis


300 Million People Suffer From Depression

According to the World Health Organization’s 2019 facts, Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Depression is a common mental disorder, and globally, more than 300 million people of all ages suffer from depression.

30 Percent Increase In Mental Health Problems Per Year

From 2016-2017, more than one in three students across 196 U.S. college campuses reported diagnosed mental health conditions. Some campuses have reported a 30 percent increase in mental health problems per year.

25 Percent Of Children Suffer From Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 25 percent of children between thirteen and eighteen years old. The number of incidents of bullying and harassment in the U.S. K-12 schools reported to the Anti-Defamation League doubled each year between 2015-2017.

28 Percent Increase In Our Suicide Rate Over The Last 2 Decades

Teenagers are now world leaders in violence, binge drinking, marijuana use, and obesity. More than half of college students experience overwhelming anxiety, and a third report intense depression. And over the last two decades, there has been a 28 percent increase in our suicide rate.

*Yale Professor and Founding Director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, Marc Brackett, Ph.D., has conducted extensive academic research uncovering the statistics listed above which are published in his book: Permission to Feel.

What We Can Do…

These alarming statistics are unacceptable to me, so in 2012, I added a revolutionary “MoJo Movement“ to my coaching practice which includes programs to teach students tools and strategies to reclaim their mental health and well-being. This MoJo Movement is called: It’s MoJo Time.

Now more than ever, students are struggling with emotional and mental ailments stunting their personal growth and academic achievement. Research has clearly proven our students need to be educated about the importance of emotional intelligence (EQ) and be taught the skills to master their thoughts and emotions so they can master their life.

Join me on your Journey of Health and Success, because “It’s MoJo Time“…!

It will be my honor to be your MoJo Coach…and I can’t wait to add you to the list of “Student Success Stories“ ~ only a few of which I’ve shared above!


Elaine Stephanos,
Founder, It’sMoJoTime!

Click the Our Method tab to learn how I can help you step into the BEST version of YOU; and

click the Book A Free Session tab to sign up for a FREE Breakthrough & Discovery Session.
I can’t wait to meet you!